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Properly African: properly a state by Julia Gallagher
South Africans, like other post-colonial societies, face the dilemma of how to replace and yet also reproduce the state. The difficulty...
Jun 24, 2019

A timid Leviathan by Julia Gallagher
South Africa’s Department for International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) seems to hide from Pretoria, crouching behind a hill, with...
May 9, 2019

Pop-up research in South Africa by Julia Gallagher
We’ve been trialling a new way to engage people in our research – using a clothes horse, a handful of pegs and some photographs of...
May 8, 2019

City of Mapungubwe, South Africa
10th - 13th century Nothing remains of the buildings of this iron age city which sat on the meeting of the Shashe and Limpopo Rivers and...
Jan 31, 2018

Ou Raadsaal, Pretoria, South Africa
1891 The Ou Raadsaal, or Old Council Hall, was commissioned by the first president of the Boer Transvaal republic, Paul Kruger, and was...
Jan 30, 2018

Union Building, Pretoria, South Africa
1909 - 1913 Designed by Herbert Baker, one of Britain's most famous colonial architects, the Union Building became the seat of South...
Jan 29, 2018

Johannesburg Police Station, South Africa
1960 This police station was originally named after John Vorster, Minister of Justice and then Prime Minister, the man who created many...
Jan 28, 2018

Constitutional Court, Johannesburg, South Africa
2004 The Constitutional Court is the home for the body which protects South Africa’s post-apartheid constitution. It was designed by...
Jan 27, 2018
Understanding Statehood through Architecture wins ERC funding
The European Research Council has awarded a consolidator grant to Prof Julia Gallagher for her project, Understanding Statehood through...
Dec 18, 2017
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