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Commercial Bank of Ethiopia building in Addis Ababa

Submission by Joanne Tomkinson

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

I want to nominate the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia building in Addis Ababa. It has such a delicate and organic shape, and I find it rather thrilling to suddenly catch a glimpse of it when driving around Addis. Strong echoes of traditional Ethiopian church and domestic architecture seem to have been incorporated into it, even though it was designed by a French architect. When it was built it must have been amongst the most striking and modern buildings in Addis. Now it surrounded by lots of ultra modern high-rise buildings, and looks rather humble by comparison. But even these tower blocks don't overshadow the bank building, in my view, because of how unique and beautiful it is.

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 772070). 
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